The first ten years after high school can be some of the most exciting... And the most difficult. Who am I? Who will I marry? What will I do for work? What do I think about Christianity outside of my parents faith? What about college? Where do I fit in at church?
Our young adults gather together to worship Jesus, develop new friendships and find wisdom and encouragement for the path that is before us. Our leaders are Craig and Krista Wigginton.
Feel free to reach out to Craig ( if you have any questions or want more info.
Mondays weekly starting September 23rd
6:00pm - 8:30pm
The Wigginton's Home
Are you hungry for food and fellowship? Join us on Monday nights to gather together for a potluck, worship and Bible Study. Parking is limited. Please carpool if possible! Reach out to with questions. We'd love to see you there!
T​Thursday Weekly Oct 3rd-Nov 21st
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Ladies: Wigginton Home | Men: To Be Determined
Young Adults Small Groups are a place to get to know other young adults in a deeper way and to dive into seeing Christ fully formed in us as individuals. Our goal is that you leave feeling known and with greater spiritual maturity!